Tuesday, February 28

The Emerging (church) movement has already run its course -- it's so yesterday. Now we're in the post emergent era. Well, at least Andre Daley says that he is post emergent.

Wow, I'm exhausted just thinking about it. I'm still a pre-modern quasi-mystical Luth-Angli-Wesleyan Pietist in outlook -- trying to figure out how to relate to Modernism. Then Leonard Sweet comes along and tells me I need to listen to U2 and get used to Postmodernism. He's followed by a bunch of white guys in baggy pants and untucked shirts heralding the emergence of a new reformation conversation thingy which isn't really about theology but ecclesiology. (How that can be I don't know). And now Daley comes along proclaiming the arrival of a post emergent movement.

I think I'm suffering from movement fatigue. Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy.


Ted M. Gossard said...

ha ha. Yeah. I know postmo is supposed to be a thing of the past as well, according to one blog I ran into. Can't recall what they called that.

isn't all this labeling going overboard, and sometimes off the deep end? maybe i'm just not sophisticated enough. probably more like i'm not really tuned in sufficiently?

Stephen said...

i loved this. thanks.