Friday, February 10

February 12th has been designated as "Evolution Sunday" and will be celebrated by 433 congregations in 49 states representing the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Reformed, Baptist, Unitarian, and the Protestant "mainline" traditions. The point is to proclaim that "religion and science are not adversaries."

The services, not coincidently, I'm sure, also mark the 197th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin.

Now, I suspect that some kind of evolution plays a role in God's intelligent design of the universe -- but an "Evolution Sunday"? It sounds polemical -- like someone is just trying to punch of the buttons of the "creationists." Living Church magazine reports that the Sunday is a result of dismay at "the inroads that 'Intelligent Design' and 'Creationism' have had in the science curriculums of some public school districts."

I think we'll pass on this one -- as we would if someone came up with a "Creationism" or "Intelligent Design" Sunday. We're just getting too weird about this stuff. No wonder we're perceived of as cultural eccentrics.

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