Monday, November 20


...One of our faculty members reports that a female Micronesian student interrupted class to ask a question that had just found words, "Why can't I be a pastor?" I think the lightbulb had just clicked on. She'd be a good one -- if her church and culture would let her.

...Church website of the week -- Messiah Church in Detroit -- an historic church with a lot of spunk -- not just for its age -- but for any congregation.

...Another seed has sprouted and now we have four key lime seedlings. I know that you've been wondering. :-)

..."The incoming Democratic chairman of the House Ways and Means panel says he will introduce a bill to reinstitute a military draft in order to provide the US with more troops..." The Democrats, who campaigned against the Republican war-machine, now that they have power, are already at a loss and are grasping at straws.

...The reason that there aren't enough people in the labor-force to maintain Boomer Social Security benefits -- 49 million people were aborted before they could make a contribution. Keith Drury is musing on the immigration issue.

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