Sunday, January 28

Six Questions

Last week Bill Kinnon tagged me. I've generally tried to avoid responding to all the tagging that goes on (at one point I just couldn't keep up with all the "games" in play) but these are good questions so I thought I'd give it a shot.

1) What is the most fun work you've ever done, and why?
I really enjoyed church planting -- even when it came time to do the construction projects. There is something about seeing actual progress in something that encourages me. So much of pastoral work does not bear immediately visible fruit. But putting up a building, while not the most important thing, is very visible.

2A) Name one thing you did in the past that you no longer do but wish you did?
Preach and lead worship regularly. I really enjoyed the rhythm of pastoral life. I like what I do now and I believe that it's what I'm called to do right but I never disliked what I was doing before.

2B) Name one thing you've always wanted to do but keep putting it off?
It's not so much that I'm putting it off -- more that the idea is still gelling. I'd like to write a basic introduction and theology of the Christian faith aimed at English as Second Language readers.

3A) What two things would you most like to learn or be better at, and why?
As crazy as it sounds, I want to get better at playing my ukulele. It's just fun. And then I'd like to develop my struggling Spanish language skills someday -- and a few other languages while I'm at it.

3B) If you could take a class/workshop/apprentice from anyone in the world living or dead, who would it be and what would you hope to learn?
I'd like to pick Leslie Newbigin's brain about what it means to be the church in a multi-cultural globalized world.

4A) What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you?
Random, loyal, squirm

4B) Now list two more words you wish described you.
Disciplined, wise

5) What are your top three passions? (can be current or past, work, hobbies, or causes)
The church, growing things, and at the risk of sounding sappy -- my wife. So much of what I do is tied to her approval and the things she enjoys doing. I receive great joy when I can do things which make her happy.

6) Write and answer one more question that YOU would ask someone.
What is it that you most like about where you live? I know that this question sounds mundane but I'm a place person. When I visit someplace new I'm always trying to imagine what it would be like to live there.

What I like about living on Guam: the people, the weather, the fusion culture, and the beauty of tropical coastline and beaches (I've never lived anywhere quite so beautiful).

I'll tag Dan Whitmarsh, Sean Meade, and Melissa Heck -- if you have the time or energy.

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