Wednesday, May 30


~ When I arrived on campus this morning Melissa's dog Pee Vee was whining outside my office door. Melissa Heck, our dean of women, whose apartment is a few steps from the admin building, left this morning for two months in the US. She was gone less than two hours and her dog was already suffering from AWS (attention withdrawal syndrome).

~ Microsoft is going into the coffee table business. Way cool. And this puts them back on my "good" list (they had dropped off yesterday after a fiery episode of trying to reinstall XP on one of my computers -- although the "issues" have not yet been resolved to this day.).

~ The US housing market on a whole is sucking air but in many places the regentrification of urban neighborhoods continues without interruption.

~ I've been experimenting with WordPerfect Lightning (beta) -- a free mini-office suite that allows online storage of documents -- which is helpful for people who move from computer to computer. It's kind of like Google Docs & Spreadsheets but with that satisfying WordPerfect feel. It also has a nice little .pdf reader/manager. In order to register in their system I had to have a corporate identity. We're now Boydston Global -- which I suspect will evolve into an international blogging company.

~ A Malaysian woman who converted to Christianity is having trouble getting the government to recognize her conversion. There are separate laws in the country for each faith. Interesting case study on human rights.

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