Wednesday, May 30


Picture of Charles Swindoll~ Charles Swindoll's radio show has been dropped from one network because of his continual use of crude and offensive language. Apparently he's been using words like "heck' and "crap." So now the feces is really hitting the fan.

I think Chuck is becoming one of those emerging church kinda guys -- living on the ragged edge just to see if he can get a rise out of people. Pretty soon he'll untuck his shirt and start blogging, too.

~ Chamarro Village has got to be the best run attraction on Guam. We went again tonight to mingle with the locals and the Japanese tourists and to eat BBQ and Chamarro rice. Not everything on Guam is dysfunctional.

Dr Jack Kevorkian, the assisted suicide doctor, is going to be released from prison on Friday. He served more than eight years for assisting in the death of a Michigan man. I don't think the world has grown all that much more receptive to his cause during his time-out.

~ Julie Pennington-Russell will likely move from Calvary Baptist in Waco, Texas to First Baptist Church of Decatur, Georgia. The 2,500+ member Georgia congregation would become the largest Southern Baptist church to have a woman as senior pastor. Not everything remains the same.

~ Even Calvin Seminary is opening up to women -- or at least the recommendation has been made.

~ Details on the upcoming TNIV Reference Bible. Sounds like a winner to me.

~ Quote of the Day from Beth: "Yes, postmodernity can be good news the way laxatives can be good news. Lyotard, Derrida and Foucault are powerful laxatives! But you can't live on laxatives. Only anorexics do that, and they wind up killing themselves. Neither can the church live on a diet of postmodernist thought..." (Hopefully Chuck Swindoll doesn't see this quote. If he starts talking about laxatives he'll most certainly get kicked off another network or two.)

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