~ Meanwhile, back in the US, global warming is being blamed for a rise in the cat population -- seriously.
~ John Morehead has an interesting interview with Danish pastor/scholar Ole Skjerbaek Madsen, who has a ministry with New Spirituality seekers. He is also a facilitator for the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization's issue group on Religious and Non-Religious Spirituality in the Western world.
Sum: "I only helped a few persons to a new life in Jesus Christ as long as I was engaged in proving the falsity of New Age, but as Jesus showed me his concern for these spiritual seekers and his acknowledgment of the sincerity and dedication of their quest and I started meeting the practitioners and seekers in the neo-spiritual milieus as potential disciples of Jesus and as friends, I now enjoy the fellowship of many new disciples – both among those who commit themselves to a life in the Church and those who are still disciples following their personal and often private way with Jesus."
~ Jeff Borja has been running an open mic uke stage at the Agana Shopping Center. I'm not quite ready for that much fame, yet.

~ Finally, betel nut chewers can now feel wanted. The University of Guam is looking for chewers to participate in focus groups conducted by UOG and the Cancer Research Center of Hawaii. Researchers are studying how betel nut is used among different cultures on Guam. Participants must be 18 or older and identify with any of the following ethnic groups: Chamorro, Chuukese, Filipino, Palauan, or Yapese. Contact Mary Jane Miller or Yvette Paulino (735-5025) for more info. I know that a few of my students chew. Here's a chance to make a contribution.
~ There are thousands of extra sailors on the island this weekend -- the USS Kittyhawk is here and the USS Peleliu comes in Sunday. There were five SPs at the Micronesia Mall this afternoon. They didn't have much to do but stand around. The visiting sailors are usually pretty well behaved and lots participate in community service projects. They are appreciated.
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