Monday, June 11


~ The second most popular baby boy name in Britain -- soon to be first -- is Mohammad. Poor Jack.

~ Now playing on BBC Radio -- One thousand years of classical music -- "The making of music"

~ Didn't Bruce Metcalf already do the Lilly Grant thing? It sounds like he's landed another one. Well, if anyone deserves to double-dip it's Bruce.

~ After work this afternoon Cheryl and I went snorkeling in Yona -- which is on the eastside of Guam -- about 10 minutes from our condo. We have tried to snorkel there before but it has always been too rough or too low. The eastside is not as protected as the westside of the island. But it was okay today, so for the first time we were able to swim for awhile in the choppy waters on "the Pacific side" of Guam. It was a good choice because we found out afterward that Ypao Beach, on the westside, where we usually go snorkeling, was closed today because of a jellyfish invasion.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Thanks for your plethora of links. They are very helpful!