Saturday, June 9

People we know

~ The LA Times has an article on David Scholer. David is an interesting man and a great professor -- currently at Fuller Seminary. I met him when he was teaching at North Park Theological Seminary (after my year there but because the seminary is connected with the Covenant he often did continuing ed for us). He is a brilliant New Testament scholar and a fun down-to-earth jovial guy to be around. Very genuine. Very sick, though, these days. He has cancer -- which only slows him down a little. (via)

~ Melissa has an update from Pennsylvania. Apparently she has been having trouble finding the kind of Spam she likes -- or something like that...

~ Mal Hamill leaves for home in Australia this evening. While he has lived on Guam before, this time he has been on island because his wife Linda is the seminary intern at LCG this summer (she's doing a great job!). So while she has been busy preparing sermons and whatever else it is that pastors do :-) Mal has come to PIBC several times to help us with the configuration of the 90 new computers which will eventually be sent to our sites on Chuuk, Yap, and Palau. The good news is that Mal will be back in 3 weeks after he's been out doing whatever it is that engineer consultants do.

~ The do not throw stones picture? It has nothing to do with people we know. It's just for fun.

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