Sunday, July 22


~ Climate change means that malaria is spreading into new areas of Africa.

~ Bookmark for leaders of more established churches: Changing the Conversation: Nurturing a Third Way for Congregations by Anthony B Robinson. This could be a great discussion starter for a church council. Fodder to begin a re-visioning retreat?

~ US Roman Catholic bishops have launched a campaign to strengthen marriages. They've got to do something! But they're between a rock and a hard place because they are perceived, for a number of legitimate reasons, as being the least credible of all people on this issue.
Chocolate covered Altoids
~ Betsy arrived from California this evening for two weeks with us -- yeah! She came bearing gifts -- including Sees' candy, Hershey's dark chocolate syrup, and dark chocolate dipped mint cinnamon Altoids (Are you seeing a pattern here?). Oh my, things are progressing on the mainland without us! The Altoids are definitely a winner.

~ Kent is in the air over the Pacific today, too. He's en route to Korea for his two week study program.

~ One of our PIBC students received his new passport in the mail today from the Bangladeshi embassy in Washington, DC. Mohammad had sent his old passport in two weeks ago. Meanwhile, thousands of US citizens in a very developed country are stranded at home waiting months and months for their government to produce passports.

~ The Bank of Guam is in hot water with the FDIC.

~ John Stott has now officially retired from public ministry. That's okay, perhaps I can now catch up on reading his books. He cranked good books out faster than I could read them.

~ The Taliban is holding 23 Korean "missionaries" in Afghanistan.

Most Americans are probably less surprised by the Taliban's tactics than that there are Korean missionaries in Afghanistan. South Korea is the second largest Christian missionary sending country in the world -- right behind the US. They may soon pass the Americans by. And the Koreans are all over the place -- Africa, Japan, Europe, Latin America, Guam... and obviously Afghanistan.

We pray for the safety and release of these Christians who had gone to Afghanistan as aid workers.

1 comment:

Beth B said...

While it may be true that Catholics do not give marriage advice from the pulpit and that they do not have as many programs as Protestants do, Catholics shouldn't forget that they have something very powerful that we Protestants don't: an understanding of marriage as a sacrament. We have a lot to learn from each other.