~ As the number of college-age students in rural areas dwindles the more rural universities struggle.

~ Cutlery with a built-in stand that keeps the "business end" off the table. How about something like this for chopsticks?
~ Worth a look: God's Mission in Asia: A Comparative and Contextual Study of This-Worldly Holiness and the Theology of Missio Dei in M. M. Thomas and C. S. Song
~ "If your church is not on Google it doesn't exist. In the future, I think we'll be saying the same thing about Facebook" -- "Myspace is out. Facebook is in. Silicon Valley geeks have been saying this for the past 3 months. And now the numbers are starting to show it."
~ African-Americans are a major force in the American evangelical church -- yet there are very few African-American missionaries serving outside the US. Tony Evans and Wycliffe are acting to change that. "Orlando-based Wycliffe Bible Translators and Dallas-based Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship (OCBF) have partnered to launch a nationwide effort to alert African-American churches to the needs and opportunities around overseas missions and Bible translation..."
~ Kinny Gallup, the wife of pollster George Gallup, has died from complications related to breast cancer.
~ Tim & Melody Plaxton have posted for the first time since moving to Guam.
~ "Amish donate cash to school gunman’s widow" (via) -- I was going to label this article "radical Christianity" but that makes it sound as though what the Amish did is extreme -- above and beyond what is normally expected in the gospels.
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