Friday, April 25


This evening Cheryl and I went to the University of Guam production of the 1970 "rock opera" Jesus Christ Superstar so we could see Ben Hardy from LCG. Ben did a great job playing Peter. As a matter of fact all the vocalists more than exceeded my expectations. They were terrific. Ricky Vergara, playing the part of Judas, was exceptional. It was definitely a blast from the past -- Jesus reconstructed in the image of a conflicted 60's style hippie. The last time I saw the musical was 34 years ago -- back when I had hair -- lots of it.

David M. Rockefeller is giving $100 million to Harvard University. ~ Link

As much as I admire Harvard I'm wondering why they need another $100 million. They're already sitting on a $35 billion endowment. At some point the whole game gets a bit ridiculous.

Both Volvo and Ford (!) have scored profits this quarter. Don't be too pessimistic.

The Southern Baptists are now in decline. Denominational leaders think it's because they've lost their evangelistic zeal. I suspect it has more to do with inability to speak a language recognized in the 21st century and lack of cross-cultural functionality. ~ Link

Seabury-Western Theological Seminary is in even deeper than they were last February when they stopped admitting new students. And they aren't the only Episcopal seminary in financial trouble. Their problems are not unlike those of the Southern Baptists -- except messier. ~ Link

This is so typical of Guam -- hole in road caused by DPW contractor remains unfixed -- even after the trash truck was pulled out of it. DPW wants the water authority to fix it. The mayor writes a letter of complaint to DPW. In the meantime none of these agencies send anyone out to mark the hole or put up barricades. ~ Link

The owner of Arby's is buying Wendy's. I wonder if this means that I'll be able to get horse radish for my Wendy's burger. ~ Link

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