Friday, April 25


The war against Malaria goes on. No quick fixes. ~ Link

Married men are doing more housework then ever before, but it's still not as much as their wives do -- although women are doing half the housework they did 40 years ago. ~ Link

Fodder from an anthropologist -- Moral Ambitions of Grace: The Paradox of Compassion and Accountability in Evangelical Faith-Based Activism by Elisha Omri ~ Link

The Door is on to something big -- "The Submergent Church" ~ Link

This evening one of the local Korean Presbyterian churches hosted a PIBC benefit concert to help the student mission teams preparing to go to Palau and Thailand this summer. In addition to the students there were performers from Pacific Presbyterian, Faith Presbyterian, Bayview Baptist, and the Palauan Evangelical Church. Together they raised $1,070 in donations. Thank you.

See, Americans aren't the only geography-challenged people. ~ Link

"Church Planters Keeping U.S. Christianity Alive" ~ Link

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