Thursday, June 5


Urbanization of the Pacific islands means more poverty ~ Link

Happy den sjätte juni to you all! (Tomorrow) ~ Link

Hawaii says "yes" to drug vending machines ~ Link

Fashion shift -- pantyhose are out ~ Link

Quotable: Yet foreign languages are as needed today as they were 50 years ago, both for doing business and for promoting intercultural understanding. As members of a religious movement that is increasingly based outside of the West, a movement that has always crossed cultural and linguistic boundaries with the Good News of Jesus Christ, evangelicals ought to feel particularly pained by this loss of foreign-language education. After all, we look forward to a day when “every nation, tribe, people, and language” will worship before God’s throne together. We are, by identity, mission, and goal, people of many languages. ~ Christianity Today Link

This afternoon Cheryl and I got to help with the end-of-school-year party that Hillcrest Alliance Church in Roseville held for community children (our hosts are a part of that congregation). School ended about noon and the party started soon thereafter -- bouncing room, slip and slide, treasure hunt, hot dogs, table games, videos -- really well organized -- fun way to meet families and bless the community. I spent 3+ hours monitoring the bounce room.

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