I confess that I did wear a tie when I preached in Chuuk last fall -- but that was a cultural accommodation. (Don't get me started on how it could be that tropical islanders in the middle of nowhere -- just above the Equator -- 90% humidity -- 90°s -- no AC -- got into the tie habit -- it was German missionary thing started over 100 years ago -- somehow associating ties with spirituality -- that was a spin job.)
Neckties aren't totally gone from the American landscape, though. Apparently, 6% of men continue to wear ties to work. And I actually saw someone wearing a tie when we were in the States earlier this month.
Rumor has it that now that California has dealt with the trans fat emergency that they are now going to outlaw neckties -- which BTW have been associated with high blood pressure and on occasion a false diagnosis of glaucoma. We'll see.
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