Sunday, August 3


funny signLiving with so many non-native English speakers is a constant source of amusement when it comes to signage. It isn't so amusing that people make mistakes -- that's not especially funny. (Kudos to everyone who attempts to use our irregular and goofy language!) What is humorous is that people spend lots and lots of money on signs without having a native speaker check for errors.

This particular sign, apparently designed by someone trying to use a computer-generated translation, is said to be located in China. But it could have as easily been spotted on Guam. Perhaps a Chinese speaker can tell us what the original says. ~ Link (via)

"The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?" ~ Proverbs 20:24 (NLT)

PIBC in the Pacific Daily News today ~ Link

1 comment:

arachesostufo said...

you live in a paradise...
ciao da un blogger di Venezia

peace and freedom