Thursday, August 7


Mario The guys at MIT think they can come up with a $20 computer using Nintendo technology from the 1980s. The quest to bring technology options to the developing world continues! ~ Link

John Walton from Wheaton College has a good post on "Hermeneutics and Children's Curriculum" ~ Link

All three of Guam's gasoline outlets dropped their prices today. That isn't totally surprising -- considering the price drop on the global market. What is surprising is that the providers didn't all move in harmony. They each started at $4.749 -- Shell dropped to $4.549. Then both Mobil and 76 went down to $4.649. Rarely do the prices vary even a cent.

North Park University is now offering a bachelor's degree in music and worship. ~ Link

Tennessee Temple University has a new short residency PhD in leadership studies -- reasonably priced, too. ~ Link

Rob Watt, our PIBC teaching site coordinator in Palau, is in transit from the States to Palau and is staying with us for a few days on Guam. He's always a joy to have around.

We had a minor disaster on the PIBC Guam campus last night. ~ Link

Robert Webber booksGuam is #8 according to the Japanese. I suspect that we could become #7 or even #6 if the men's restroom at the airport -- the very first stop for many tourists on Guam -- weren't so ghetto. I checked again tonight when we were picking up Rob -- no improvement. ~ Link

Guam needs 225 more teachers for the new school year. ~ Link

Robert Webber's four Ancient-Future books are going digital ~ Link

Some who are poor pretend to be rich; others who are rich pretend to be poor.
The rich can pay a ransom for their lives, but the poor won’t even get threatened. ~ Proverbs 13:7-8

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