Saturday, August 16


The storm that dumped rain on Guam yesterday (Saturday) has moved on to the east. It looks like it's now picking up some spin and could has become a tropical depression.

Interesting LA Times story on Korean Mexicans -- descendants of Koreans who left Japanese occupied Korea in 1905 to work on the Yucatan Peninsula plantations in southern Mexico -- spreading out from there. ~ link

In Palau "105 teachers only have high school diplomas and teaching experience in Head Start, 98 have associate degrees or finished a two-year course in college; 49 have bachelors degrees or finished a four-year course in college, and 11 have masters degree." ~ link

More on teacher education in Micronesia -- and PIBC's growing role ~ link

Quotable: "The celebrity church must die. And doing anything -– like video venues –- that prolongs its life, even in the name of the lost, runs counter to the best interests of the Church in all its expressions, big and small, and its mandate to see more people not only reached, but gifted, trained, and sent..." ~ Bob Hyatt, lead pastor of Evergreen Community Church, a muli-site church in Portland, Oregon

Rick Warren helped the candidates shine. This is American grace and civility at its best. Kudos to all three of them. ~ link

It's helpful to occasionally mention that I have affiliate links for Amazon and CBD in the side column to the left. For the past few years I've been using the commissions to purchase books for the PIBC library. It's just another way that you can help.

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