• At the very least, the Reversible Destiny apartments in Tokyo look fun. ~ link (thanx)
• Scot McKnight gives his apologetic regarding his own Evangelical Protestant positions -- why he has never been tempted to swim the Tiber or go over to Antioch. This is why we pay him the big bucks -- to concisely articulate ideas that float around disorganized in the minds of the rest of us. ~ link
• Honda coming out with hybrid motorcycle. Honda and Yamaha are developing electric bikes. ~ link
• Arizona has been given a $1 million grant from the USDOT to do the environmental analysis for a Phoenix-Tucson passenger rail. I saw some articles yesterday on the growth of Arizona and was actually wondering when they were going to get moving on such a project. And contrary to the first few comments posted in response to the Phoenix Business-Journal article a Phoenix-Tucson rail line makes great sense. Realistically speaking, we'll never be able to expand the freeways wide enough to carry all the traffic. It's not either rail or highway -- but both. ~ link
• Washington State getting strict to save salmon population -- no more driveway car washes ~ link
• An English chili chef died after eating his own "super hot" chili sauce. ~ link

• Cheryl made taco salad as the main dish to feed 80 people at our Alpha Course gathering tonight. Squeezing it all -- along with the crock pot full of hot cheese for the nachos -- and the mega bags of chips -- into our otherwise great little Toyota Corolla reminded me of why I still prefer driving a mini-van. I don't care how uncool it is. There is a lot to be said for functionality.
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