• Campus Crusade for Christ's Internet ministry now has about 2,000 volunteer "online missionaries." ~ link
• Emerging trend -- Christian liberal arts colleges are now looking at vocational training as an integral part of the educational offerings. ~ link
• Apple is getting ready to introduce an $800 laptop to the market. ~ link
• Texas is now branding the driver's licenses of those drivers who are not US citizens or "lawful permanent residents." IOW, if you are living in Texas on a temporary visa (e.g. a student visa) your license will have a "Temporary Visitor" designation and status date on the face of the card. ~ link
Hmmm... not so nice of a way to help visitors fit in and feel at home.
Imagine showing your DL when using a credit card, etc. -- so everyone knows that you don't belong -- you can't blend in and just be a part of your temporary home. Not the Texas hospitality that I remember.

The essence of (Scot) McKnight’s thesis is that there are many ways to read the Bible, including lawbook, repository of pithy statements, and puzzle. Unfortunately, most of these all come back to the same basic idea: we read the Bible in order to get correct information out of it. McKnight challenges that notion with this idea: we read the Bible in order to get the plot of the story, and then we live out that same story in our lives today. ~ more• GovGuam has updated its official map of the island for the first time since 1976 -- free copies available. ~ link
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