Monday, December 1


$1.5 million in fellowships available for seminary students. ~ link

One pitch: "The narrow narrative of scarcity is already emerging--that the lack of resources will prevent us from doing something important." That's a dead-end for sojourners. "Prophetic action will be called for, and pastoral care will be needed," says a sub-head. Author Diana Butler Bass calls for "Honest preaching in difficult days" in the mood of "Holy Insecurity." She reports on her response to a recent homily by her Episcopalian priest. "It was a profoundly political sermon. Not in the sense that the preacher told the congregation whom we should vote for. But he reminded us that we are God's polis, a holy city-one not governed by the stock market or housing prices, but by grace, generosity, and goodness. This alternative city, the community of grace, is ultimately strengthened by worldly hardship because it reminds that our spiritual investment is in a realm not seen. Our community is one marked by holy insecurity--the sure knowledge that our wisdom is not an economic strategy, our power is not financial, and our trust is not in princes." ~ link
Pope Gregory the Great Sometimes there are demands on our lives and obligations over which we have very little control. The monk who became Pope Gregory the Great found himself with such a challenge.

Chris Armstrong has written a short easy-to-read article called "Spirituality for busy people" and posted it on the Christian History website. It is the story of how the 6th century monk became pope (against his will) and had to leave the contemplative life to oversee the chaos of the entire Western church. -- perhaps one of the more useful sites online. They don't have "Boydston" but they've got a gazillion others -- English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Spanish... ~ link

More chatter from Japan -- Obama may delay the Marines landing on Guam ~ link

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