Tuesday, December 2

More random stuff I found interesting today

Americans (who "may be marginally less qualified than the European students") are enrolling in European universities in record numbers. ~ NY Times story about St Andrews in Scotland

Scot McKnight doesn't seem to like Expelled. I saw the trailer and thought the whole thing didn't look very intelligent so I blew it off as whining and fluff. There may be something to ID -- and it should certainly be a part of the conversation. But Expelled doesn't look very conversational. ~ link

Westmont College has reopened ~ link

Students at an elementary school in Mesa, Arizona have planted their own on-campus orchard. ~ link

"Genetically engineered peanuts may help fight the most common cause of fatal allergic reactions to food in the United States. While the research is unlikely to result in the creation of completely allergen-free peanuts, it could result in fewer outbreaks and even fewer deaths." ~ link

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