Wednesday, December 3


Baptism in Walden PondBaptism in Walden Pond. It's more than a little ironic that they needed wetsuits to pull it off. ~ link

College is quickly becoming unaffordable for most Americans. You'd think that technology might make it more accessible. Or maybe college as we know it is simply outmoded and unworkable. ~ link

Chris Lascano paid 95¢/gallon for gas at Safeway in Turlock. ~ link

"Recession undercuts church and charity giving" ~ link

Hey Dave! This is how we can raise the money to move PIBC forward -- sell advertising on our exams. We just need to start giving more of them! ~ link

Quotable: We all agree with the theory of being a community of God that defines and organizes itself around the purpose of being an agent of God's mission in the world. But the missional conversation often goes a step further by dismissing the "attractional" model of church as ineffective. Some say that creating better programs, preaching, and worship services so people "come to us" isn't going to cut it anymore. But here's my dilemma—I see no evidence to verify this claim. ~ Dan Kimball (Don't miss the responses in the comments section below the article.)

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