Wednesday, December 24


Betsy arrived this evening after three days of travel and delay. Her luggage, however, in spite of a day long delay in Portland, did not make it onto the plane. Stores on Guam are now closed for Christmas -- not easy to shop for replacement clothing.

"Top 15 things you should never do on Facebook" ~ link

According to a US Department of Justice report Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands (NMI) combined are third most corrupt US jurisdiction if you figure the number of convicted officials produced per capita. The District of Columbia is the most corrupt, using this formula, and the Virgin Islands are #2. UOG professor Ron McNinch thinks the system for making the list is corrupt. ~ link

Seth Godin on why it's probably unwise to hire a marketer or salesperson who comes from a successful big company. It's not really counter intuitive -- just common sense. ~ link

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