So You're Thinking About Going to Seminary, by Derek Cooper (Brazos, 2008) 230 pages -- $10.19 from Amazon

I picked this new book up as a resource for some of our PIBC students who are thinking about going on to seminary in North America. I am going to have to order another copy, though, because I'm about to give this one away to someone else I know who is considering seminary.
Derek Cooper has put together a fairly comprehensive guide to seminaries -- everything from choosing the right one, discerning whether it is the place for you, sorting through all the degree options, post-seminary career paths, and how to pay for it.
It's a good resource that pastors might want to have on hand to share with people in their congregations.
Seminary is not what it was when I attended in the 80's. Yes, there is continuity but things have changed a lot and middle-age pastors are going to need some reorientation if they're going to be good advisers. I'd even venture to say that there have been some significant changes in the last 5-10 years and if someone's seminary experience is older than that they might find this to be helpful, too. There is a lot more flexibility in program delivery and more degree options -- and less expectation that everyone there is going into pastoral ministry.
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