Tuesday, January 20


Lisa Miller (Newsweek) deconstructs Rick Warren's contribution to the inauguration ceremony. She is insightful and fair. ~ link

White House websiteThere is not only a new president but a new White House website as well -- which includes a blog. Wow. I think we just entered the 21st century. ~ WhiteHouse.gov 2.0

And they are tweeting, too. I decided to become a follower to see where they're going. So far there are only 5,370 followers. ~ link

Apparently Joseph Lowery has become a right-winger -- based on his benediction -- "...and when white will embrace what is RIGHT." ~ link

Actually, he's used that line (about black, yellow, brown, red, and white) before. In the cyberworld he'd be labeled a troll. And everyone knows that the best way of dealing with trolls is to simply not feed them. "Please don't feed the trolls."

Joseph Biden is the first Roman Catholic vice president in US history -- although many Catholics would disassociate themselves from him because of his position on abortion. ~ link

Arizona State University might close their new east campus because of state budget cuts. "The polytechnic campus -- with its adjoining airport -- is the planned centerpiece of east Mesa’s future economic development." Tom Gibbs, one of the students from our congregation in Turlock, is currently studying there. ~ link

We're a bit Guam-centric out here and if the new president doesn't stop by for a visit within the next week or so the locals are going to be wondering why he's forgotten them. ~ link

New Canadian study: "The main finding of this study is that religious worship attendance is associated with a decreased risk of suicide attempts..." Just being "spiritual" doesn't seem to help. ~ link

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