Wednesday, January 21


The internet makes it more difficult to sweep the promises under the carpet. Introducing the Obameter -- tacking all 510 of Obama's campaign promises. (There are actually a few in there that I hope will fall through the cracks!) ~ link

The new administrations first major mistake? ~ link

Is the market just a big Ponzi scheme? ~ link

California town loans auto-dealership money to stay in business. Over half of the town's tax-revenue comes from auto sales. ~ link

The Internet was down on part of the PIBC campus this morning as the cable company was switching out some equipment. So I went over to the library to check my email. That was an eye-opener. Not that I've never been to the library before but the noise level was incredible. And it had nothing to do with the patrons. The library sits on a part of campus near an adjoining property that a construction company uses to store gravel, dirt, and earth-moving equipment. The beeping and rumbling of the tractors gave me a headache! We've got to do something about that.

Contrary to yesterday's report there is no decision to close the ASU Polytechnic campus in east Mesa, says Virgil Renzulli, ASU vice-president for public affairs. ~ link

Swedish researchers: "A laid back outlook, combined with an active lifestyle and outgoing personality may contribute to warding off the onset of dementia." ~ link

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