Saturday, January 24


How the snakes are killing off not just the birds but also the forests (boonies, jungles) on Guam ~ link

Guampedia continues to improve. They've now added bird calls for the native Guam birds (which are now MIA). The recordings were made in the 1950's before the brown tree snake impact. We rarely hear birds on Guam now but this is what it used to sound like around here. The contrast is incredible. ~ link

Trial By Fury -- Ted Haggard tells his story ~ link

Apparently there is more to the story -- and a settlement by the New Life Church. In spite of all they've endured these past few years it sounds like the church is doing well. ~ link

The Bush White House was loaded down with aging Windows software and the Obama people are used to the latest Macs. They're all walking around in a bewildered daze. ~ link

Don Johnson responds to the space-less church movement. While it's not the final word on the subject he is definitely on target. ~ link

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