• 恭喜发财 Good riddance to the rat! Hello ox! Congratulations and prosperity for this new year!
• A woman in Denmark managed to exchange bills worth two thousand "kronor" in Swedish Monopoly money for real Danish money in Denmark -- I'm sure providing great fodder for the stand-up comedians in Sweden. Swedes enjoy helping the Danes feel inferior. ~ link

• The White House Twitter feed, so active leading up to the inauguration, has been mysteriously silent ever since. Not prone to embrace conspiracy theories, I wonder if they're just worried about someone tweeting top sweetwets. (Sorry -- couldn't resist) ~ link
• There are now 1 billion internet users. The country with the largest number is China with 180 million people online. The US has 163 million users -- Japan 60 million, Germany and Britain nearly 37 million each, France 34 million, India 32 million, Russia 29 million, Brazil 28 million, South Korea 27 million, Canada 22 million, and Italy 21 million. For some reason I thought that Nigeria would be among the top three internet users. Maybe all of those financial offers are really just coming from one guy with a million yahoo accounts. ~ link
• Public Service Announcement
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