Thursday, January 29


Just a few more days to register your personal Obama approval rating. I'm sure that all the DC insiders are watching, so tell them what you think! See left column.
Don't miss Horace Glump's new blog. ~ link

The CNMI wants Gitmo prisoners. They're really hurting up there north of us. ~ link

I re-read an article from CT (March '08) -- "What Makes a Church Missional?" by J. Todd Billings. It's got a good little history and highlights some of the unique streams of thought -- some of which are kind of out there -- some of which have attempted to hijack the term. ~ link

Kurt Fredrickson passed his PhD dissertation defense -- which makes him a double Fuller doc. This time he did his work in the School of Intercultural Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary -- some emerging postmodern missional church piffle. Congratulations!

The January edition of Christianity Today arrived in January. A Guam first.

Since we're planning to move to Arizona to start a new congregation I'm tuning into the AZ stats and USA Today is reporting that according to a new Gallup Poll only 61% of Arizonans consider themselves to be "religious" in some way shape or form. Arizona is in the bottom half of the US in this regard. ~ link

On Wednesday I mentioned that spinach might be the answer to citrus greening. Now, Florida researchers have come up with a biopesticide that is effective against the insect that spreads the bacteria. And it will be available this year! Cool. ~ link


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Excellent! Too bad they didn't have a person playing the hyckelharp from Sweden!

with infinite hope, Jim