Tuesday, February 10


YellowDogGraphix.comAccording to Google Analytics only 1.49% of the visitors to this site are carried here on a dial-up connection.

I don't know that I've mentioned my brother's graphic design business in a long while. He does good work. ~ link

I took my evangelism/discipleship class on a field trip tonight. We did exegesis of a mall.

Last month, for the first time, there were more auto sales in China than in the US. Kirk, has been shopping for a car in SoCal -- hoping to help out the US economy. ~ link


Beth B said...

Okay, Brad, how do you exegete a mall? What was your hermeneutic?

Brad Boydston said...

You start asking the same who, what, when, where, how, and why questions that you would ask of a text. What are the people in the mall saying about themselves by how they dress? What they're buying? What language they're speaking? How would you go about developing a relationship with this kind of a person? Or that kind of a person?