Thursday, March 11


Mike Elgan: "If the percentage of whites in America dips below 50%, does that mean everyone is a minority?" ~ link

Blogger is rolling out a whole new batch of template designs and a template designer. ~ link

15-minute mass is a big hit this Lent. ~ link

The Guardian (Manchester, England) calls Joel Osteen "the new face of Christianity" -- sigh. Joel is a nice guy and he has a nice smile but I sure hope he's not the new face. ~ link

The Arizona auditor is concerned about low lottery ticket sales. "Of 28 states included in the audit, Arizona ranked 24th in per-capita revenue, with sales of $73 per person. By comparison, nearby Colorado earned $102 per person." Maybe Arizonians are so cash strapped because of the housing crash that they aren't buying. Or maybe they're are just better at basic math. ~ link

George Barna:
Some of the best leaders I’ve observed are those who remember that the challenges introduced by change are just another opportunity to empower people to apply their gifts toward pursuing a shared vision. Fulfilled vision changes everything anyway; leaders are all about creating positive change. Helping people to put change into proper perspective, and make sense of the new reality created by change is a difficult but continual task of leaders. ~ link

1 comment:

Brooklynn The Princess said...

wow hahahahaha all my friends are weird hahaha