Friday, March 12


✽ Google has released Street View for Hong Kong. Do the tour without the humidity or crowds. ~ link

Fewer and fewer Americans see global warming as a serious threat, according to a Gallup poll. "...the percentage of Americans who now say reports of global warming are generally exaggerated is by a significant margin the highest such reading in the 13-year history of asking the question. In 1997, 31% said global warming's effects had been exaggerated; last year, 41% said the same, and this year the number is 48%." ~ link

✽ Craig Groeschel and I have sidebar responses to Linda Cannell's article on the future of theological education. ~ link

✽ Cheryl and I are enjoying the The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, which we got on DVD from the library. The stories, set in Botswana, are delightful and engaging. I am also pleased with the depiction of upwardly mobile Africans. The stories don't gloss over the problems of poverty, AIDS, and tribalism but they are not center stage.

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