✽ If you're photocopying it -- it's probably still there on the copier's hard-drive -- accessible to whoever. ~ via
✽ "After decades of net decline, more US churches are being started each year than are being closed." ~ link

✽ It's fashion week in Karachi -- really -- a spit-in-your-Taliban-face event. ~ link
✽ Next week is National Bike to Work week. I work from home but I'll ride to the Post Office to check the box -- if it stays below 100°. ~ link
✽ Walgreens will postpone carrying the Pathway Genomics genetic test kit because the FDA is questioning whether the kit is authorized. More job security for lawyers. ~ link
✽ One more thing to worry over -- Voyager 2 has been hijacked by space aliens who are attempting to contact earth, according to a German UFO expert. ~ link
✽ Back in Black - Glenn Beck's Nazi Tourette's ~ link
✽ A very very clever man, quite tuned into human nature, used Google Rankings to land a job. ~ link
✽ Guam Police Chief Paul Suba is resigning after a controversy sparked by a search warrant executed on a local television station's news department. There is never a dull moment in Guam politics. Of course, I'm now starting to think that Arizona is playing in the same political league. ~ link
UPDATE: None of the other news sources on Guam are yet corroborating this story. They are reporting that there are numerous calls for his resignation.
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