Monday, July 12


Creative giving ~ link

"Officials from North Korea and the US-led UN Command are to meet for talks about the sinking of a South Korean warship, the UN Command has said." In the long-run, when these guys get together to talk fewer people end up dying. Of course, North Korea will probably make some demand for concessions if they are going to stay at the table. That seems to be their style. It is a high risk game. They create crises to gain concessions -- kind of like problem children who act out to get attention -- even if it is negative attention. North Korea is desperate. ~ BBC News

R.C. Sproul is starting a new Bible college called Ligonier Academy. Classes start fall 2011. ~ link

"New research from the Netherlands finds that thieves are less likely to steal brightly colored cars because of their lower resale value." ~ NY Times

A woman is now the lead pastor of one of California's largest churches. ~ LA Times

Should humans really be drinking cow's milk? ~ LA Times

Texas company to begin shipping 2.9 billion gallons of Alaskan water to India. ~ link

My sermon on Ruth from yesterday morning is online. ~ link

Google researcher Paul Adams has posted a great slideshow from a recent presentation that shows how social networking actually works. ~ link

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