Friday, November 19


This man in Botswana probably has no idea as to how famous he is. (Contrary to the header on the video, this is a man. See his other videos on YouTube.)

Roger Olson is campaigning to "Reclaim Pietism."-- which makes my Evangelical Covenant Lutheran Pietist heart go pitter patter. ~ part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 -- coming!

I think that I'd add to Olson's description of Pietism, a strong emphasis on activism. Pietists are not just interested in growing the personal relationship with Christ but from the beginning we have been externally focused people of mission -- sending missionaries at a time when it was not in vogue, starting orphanages, establishing public schools for the education of poor children (concern for the mind as well as the heart)...

> The Evangelical Divide:
Ironically, the high-profile rise of economically-focused groups such as the Tea Party could drive an even greater wedge between the GOP and evangelicals, who were drawn to the Republican Party more as a reaction against legalized abortion than an affinity for libertarianism. In fact, evangelicals have always expressed concern for the less fortunate, and are among America’s most generous givers, with almost 24 percent of them donating at least 10 percent of their income to charity, according to the Barna Group. But a growing number of young evangelicals are coming to the conclusion that it is going to take more than a carefully calculated tithe dropped into an offering plate to effect real, positive change for the poor and oppressed, and are willing to think, act, and vote accordingly. ~ Jenny Rae Armstrong
New Pew Study:
Marriage, while declining among all groups, remains the norm for adults with a college education and good income but is now markedly less prevalent among those on the lower rungs of the socio-economic ladder. 
The survey finds that those in this less-advantaged group are as likely as others to want to marry, but they place a higher premium on economic security as a condition for marriage. ~ link
The ban on fishing in the Gulf during the oil spill crisis has led to a resurgence in sea life in some of the most heavily fished areas. ~ National Review (via)

The fish population in the Santa Cruz River in Southern Arizona is on the rebound, too -- the result of better waste water treatment ~ Nogales International

High pH levels have put a stop to the trout release in our local lake at Cesar Chavez Park. High pH is caused by excess CO2 related pollutants and fertilizers that wash into the lake from the surrounding area. ~ link

"So, in his Sunday sermon, the Rev. Cedric A. Miller will announce that married church leaders have to log out (of Facebook) for good, or get kicked out..." Facebook isn't the problem. Rather, the church has a bunch of leaders who have become dependent on a highly controlling pastor to make decisions for them. Thus they never learn to deal with the challenges of the world. ~

Iranian government targeting growing house church movement ~ link

Mark Galli asks, "How can Christians communicate what we believe without being denigrating or inflammatory?" However,
The point is this: There were moments in Jesus' ministry when he denigrated—that is, according to the dictionary definition, "attacked the reputation of another"—and inflamed—"excited to excessive or uncontrollable actions or feelings." What we find in the Gospels is an uncomfortable reality: There is something about Jesus that makes some people want to kill him. ~ CT
The problem is that sometimes we start to feel good or validated through our indignation. We actually enjoy the indignation, gaining self-indulgent pleasure from turning over the temple tables.

Asia is becoming a powerhouse of international education. ~ CHE

Those biodegradable eating utensils aren't biodegrading. ~ CHE

"Economic boycotts against Arizona after the state passed an immigration enforcement law in April have resulted in more than $250 million in losses to the state's conference and convention industry, according to a report released Thursday." ~ USA Today

Church planting with international students ~ J.D. Payne

"The small village of Brokind in eastern Sweden fell into darkness over the weekend after a mischievous local used their flashlight to knock out a streetlight sensor, giving the impression that the sun was shining." That is actually a funny prank. ~ The Local

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