> What is your church doing this week? Mountain View Lutheran Church in Ahwatukee is preparing and packaging half a million meals for the "Feed My Starving Children" program. ~ ABC15
> "17 Million American Families Struggle to Put Food on the Table" ~ The Atlantic
> Tim Stafford on the Lausanne gathering in South Africa, arguably the most globally inclusive gathering of church leaders in history:
...These two factors alone—precision and language—meant that the program remained what its planners hoped to avoid. It was a western production inviting global participation. The global participants were grateful for the invitation, but they were guests at somebody else’s party. They were not necessarily able to be themselves. And that was a great loss at the core of the conference’s purpose. ~ link> Video cameras activated when burglar alarms are tripped now allow the dispatchers to see if there are really burglars and they help police know what they're walking into. ~ link
> Ten million people have downloaded the YouVersion Bible application. I use mine most everyday. Great little tool. ~ link
> Who is investing in American real estate? ~ WSJ
> The Tall Skinny Kiwi talks about his experiences in delivering people from demon possesion. ~ link
> The Geek Squad has a new niche -- setting up home charging stations for EVs. ~ link
> American fliers are going on strike -- November 24th is National Opt Out Day. Expect major airport delays. ~ Seattle PI
> Ed Stetzer has taken on the new TSA procedures. 1) They're wrong 2) They don't work 3) They give the government too much power 4) You should not have to give up naked pictures in order to go to work. ~ link
> "Today 56 new members from various professions will be sworn in by Sheriff Arpaio as illegal
immigration fighters..." He has a new posse of volunteers.
Note part of the job description -- "...crowd control during demonstrations against the Sheriff’s immigration policies." That should tell you something about the environment in which you'll work. Hey, but at least you get a uniform and a gun. ~ link (.pdf)
I wonder what percentage of the posse is made up of people of color -- that is, non-Caucasians. According to census stats, 5% of Maricopa county is African-American, 42% Hispanic, 2% Native American, 3% Asian... If the MCSO wants to be perceived as non-racist -- enforcing the law impartially -- then it is important that their numbers reflect make-up of the general population. Perception can quickly turn into reality. If their approach to recruiting only attracts white people then something is wrong -- either with the approach or with the department and their mission.
> "Maricopa County OKs up to $10.1 million to defend Sheriff Joe Arpaio, former County Attorney Thomas" We have expensive politicians -- another reason that the county is broke. ~ AZ Central
> "Hispanic buying power hits $34B in Arizona" ~ Phoenix Business Journal
> "Arizona Boasts Nation's Tallest Living Christmas Tree" -- "At 110 feet , the tree stands a full 30 feet taller than last year's tree." (Are we perhaps starting to suffer from Texas Syndrome? TS, akin to BS, occurs when a state which has little about which to boast consoles itself by talking big.) ~ link
> "While research has already shown a link between maternal smoking in pregnancy and attention and behavioral problems in kids and teens, a new study from the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health finds a longer-term correlation: between smoking during pregnancy and eventual criminality in adult children." Is the problem causal or merely correlational? Regardless -- the solution is the same. ~ Time
> Last night I moved the turkey from the freezer to the frig. It's getting closer!
Let me know how the FB ads work out. Somehow I don't see someone getting excited enough to click on a church ad on FB; then again, it could be opportunistic.
We average a click thru rate of 0.007%. Some of the ads do a lot better than others -- best for us is 0.013%. Whether anyone actually comes because of the ads -- even after clicking on the website, has yet to be seen. But our primary interest has been in building name and ethos recognition. And we have had several conversations with people in the community who mention that they have seen our ads. So we know it is working on that level.
If we were measuring success merely on hits to the website we have had 121 clicks to the site from the ads -- at a cost of $200 -- or about $1.63 per click. That is very inexpensive advertising.
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