> I'M LOOKING forward to the Green Lantern -- coming in June. ~ link
> SPEAKING OF GREEN, Pakistan has the better uniforms but India has the better team. Congratulations to the 2011 Cricket World Cup winner. ~ great photos
> NEW approach to angioplasty -- at least in the US ~ KOLD
> I SPENT much of the morning laying low, recovering from a severe leg muscle cramp that hit me at 5:30 a.m. One thing I did while I was sitting around trying to catch my breath was to read a great article in CT by Ed Stetzer on "Proselytizing in a Multi-Faith World." His four foundational faith commitments are solid -- even if at times they have to be held in tension with each other. We need to:
- Let each religion speak for itself
- Talk with and about individuals, not generic "faiths"
- Respect the sincerely held beliefs of people of other religions
- Grant each person the freedom to make his or her own faith decision
> MY MESSY SERMON from yesterday is online ~ transcription
> MY FRIEND Amanuel Abraha has a new blog highlighting his handyman projects. He is a good worker and is available for hire. I recommend him. ~ link
> THE MORMONS have a new Easter video clip. What do you think of it? ~ link
> "URBAN MISSIONAL churches need Christian schools" ~ Anthony Bradley (via)
Mormons do a great job with the images...wish they had just let the story speak for itself. Why do we need Thomas Monson to declare it to be true? Even the pope doesn't have to give his imprimatur to the Gospels!
The LDS system of revelation is fluid. What the current prophet (the president) declares to be true is what is considered to be the authoritative word of God. That is a major difference between Mormons and the historical expressions of Christianity. It is theoretically possible that the prophet could declare some writing or some story to no longer be the word of God for today. Writings or doctrines might be relegated to an advisory status.
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