FOR THOSE TRACKING the wanderings of our #2 son -- Kent should be out of Seoul and into London sometime today. He is taking the scenic route home to Arizona and should arrive here in Phoenix in about one month.
LUTEFISK TACO -- I'm into fusion but there are limits. ~ link
BANK OF AMERICA is going to be giving away some of the foreclosed homes in their inventory. It seems like it would have made more sense to work with the original owners to modify their loans -- or just to have given the homes to them -- less paperwork, hassle, and cost. What am I missing? ~ link
JUST LOADED Small Is Big!: Unleashing the Big Impact of Intentionally Small Churches
KITTEN FOUND in car air filter ~ link
SOMEONE QUOTED Thomas Sowell, "Liberalism is totalitarianism with a human face." Since the US is technically a "liberal democracy" does that mean that we are founded on the ideals of totalitarianism? Just asking...
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