• It really was a different world. Walter Cronkite was the most prominent anchorman when I was a child. He was the most trusted news image and voice on television. And I was there. With his death that world has come to an end. ~ link
• There is no internet or landline connection at the condo where we'll be staying for a few weeks. We move tomorrow. So my online activity will be limited.
• We submitted an offer for our #1 choice house earlier this week. The seller was supposed to respond by 5 p.m. tonight. We heard nothing so we now assume that it is a no go. We've now put an offer in on a HUD home utilizing their online bidding system. We should hear on that one by Monday. It would require a lot of work so we bid fairly low.
• Tonight's winds and humidity build-up have all fizzled with no rain.
• And you thought we were all a bunch of retirees! Seven Arizona cities have received the "Playful City, USA" designation. It has to do with kid-friendliness. ~ link
• Squid invasion off the San Diego coast ~ link
no Internet connection??!! Must...get...BlackBerry....or...iPhone....
Yeah -- but I probably need to get a job first. :-)
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