Wednesday, September 15


Perhaps the humor in it makes the sign feel less obnoxious. (via)

✽ See, the economic recovery in Arizona is going pretty well -- "Arizona will get its second LEGO Store next month when a new location opens at Arrowhead Towne Center in Glendale." ~ EV Trib

Cuba puts the pedal to the rusted metal heading toward capitalism. It will be a bumpy ride trying to shift without a clutch. ~ CSM

Violent crime was down in Arizona before 1070 -- 14%. But we already knew that. ~ link

China's great firewall seems to be largely effective in controlling the interests of the masses who don't want to go through the hassle of circumventing it. ~ CHE

Yale University, Singapore ~ CHE

✽ I think that is was Eric Sorenson who came up with the great idea of a recreational scuba diving program to assist PIU students in finding employment after graduation. They'll even be able to minor in Outdoor Ministry with an emphasis in water recreation. Creative and helpful. ~ link

Canadian Army recruiting film.

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