Wednesday, May 18

+ The finger in the chili story grows stranger and stranger.

+ The English are drinking less and less tea -- threatening their national identity.

+ The faculty at Calvin College are protesting President Bush's presence as commencement speaker. One thing about evangelicals, we never miss an opportunity to "make a statement." Protesting is just so... so... American.

Sometimes I wish we were more gracious and less strident toward those with whom we have disagreement -- even if it is a legitimate disagreement (and it is). It's no wonder that the rest of the world sees us as polarizing and grumpy.

+ Edmund Clowney, who secretly wrote the gently poking "Eutychus and His Kin" column for CT has died.

+ Unwise blogging can create major problems for the bloggers -- and Bill Toland of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has compiled a summary of some of them.

+ Betsy and friends are staying out late tonight for the first showing of Revenge of the Sith at 12:01 a.m. (technically tomorrow). This is suppose to be the last of the six Star Wars episodes. However, when I was a kid Star Wars was a nine episode series. I suspect that George Lucas didn't have enough force and had to settle for doing only six.

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