Friday, July 28


Kent with llamas in northern Chile...The pass through the Andes was closed so Kent didn't make it to Argentina for the break. But he and a couple of friends went to the desert in northern Chile. He's got pictures up on his blog. They're now back in Santiago and they have orientation at their university this morning. has added the TNIV to their search system.

...I keep a fairly close eye on my tomatoes -- and for the first time in five years I noticed yesterday that there were small black pellets at the base of one of the plants -- and some on the leaves -- sure signs that there was a tomato worm at work. It took me five minutes and I had to step back to scan from a distance. But then I spotted him -- perfectly camouflaged along a vine -- chomping on a leaf. Ugly. Vicious. He even put up a fight when I tried to grab him. I won. Pesticide free gardening isn't just healthy gardening -- it's a sport.

...We were able to open up the windows last night -- for the first time in weeks. The cooler delta breezes are back.

...Amazon Grocery is offering $10 off on orders of $49. Those of you who do grocery shopping, how good a deal do you get at Amazon?


Dan said...

The other day Karina looked out the window and saw a full-grown male deer munching on our tomato plant. Easier to see than your worm, but harder to get rid of. No matter what she did, it just looked at her and kept munching until he was good and done. He even ate part of the plumb tree for dessert.

Ted M. Gossard said...

Of course I would have to make a comment on Biblegateway adding the TNIV.

I am thankful. I just wrote them, wanting to encourage them to do so.

They are also replacing the original edition of the NLT for the second edition (in itself, an improvement, particularly in regard to translating hilasterion in Romans 3). I look forward to looking at it (in comparison of my "old" copy of the NLT).