Saturday, December 30


Cheryl and Melisa at Taguan

About half a mile from the duplex where Cheryl and I are camping there is a trail down along the edge of the Mangilao Country Club golf course to a "beach" called Taguan. It's not really a beach -- but sharp coral rock. The trail itself drops 380 feet fairly quickly and fortunately there are stairs (256 steps).

Cheryl and I tagged along with Melissa Heck (PIBC dean of women -- a family therapist who is a short-term missionary) for the 60 minute round-trip hike this afternoon. It's on the Pacific side of the island and there isn't a barrier reef (as there is on much of Guam) so the waves crash right up on the rocks. It was beautiful, and in spite of the fact that my aching legs are screaming at me tonight, well worth it.

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