Thursday, July 31


Two pieces of good news on Guam today -- gas is down to $4.74/gallon & there is a new shipping connection that will start to bring goods to Guam from New Zealand and Australia. ~ Link

Gerald McDermott has done it again. I don't know of anywhere that you'll find more a more accessible, compact, and readable introductory book on world religions than his new Baker Pocket Guide to World Religions.

I don't get it. The Somjai Restaurant on Marine Corp Dr has some of the best Thai food on Guam -- served in hole-in-the-wall ambiance. But whenever we go there (as we did this evening) we're usually the only customers. How do they stay in business? Why isn't it packed?

The latest thing from MIT -- "man-made equivalent to photosynthesis" ~ Link

Lausanne World Pulse has several articles on church planting in the August 2008 issue. What I think is missing, though, are articles on church planting and social engagement. The lines between evangelism and the issues of hospitality, compassion, mercy, and justice are still too thick.

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