Friday, September 5


• Yes, Chrome definitely needs to support the Google Toolbar or the integrated functions of such. I was trying to bookmark a page into my Google bookmarks. It can be done -- but it takes a lot of steps.

• Week 1 down -- 14 to go. I'm really liking my two classes this semester. The academic administration drains my batteries (some days a lot faster than others) but the teaching recharges. I'm teaching spiritual formation and a Christian doctrine class. I'm really enjoying having Suzanne Bratcher (retired NAU English professor) team-up with me in spiritual formation. We're using the reading reflection assignments to also coach students in writing skills. Integration.

one laptop per child• Amazon is going to start selling the OLPC computers in November as a part of the "Give One, Get One" program which raises money to send laptops to schoolchildren in developing countries. ~ link

• From China -- sub-$100 ($98) laptops hitting the market ~ link

• Andrew Crouch on the power of small ~ link

• How to live in a schoolbus -- cheap housing ~ link

• Steve Stinnette is the third PIBC Guam staffer to finish his masters degree within the last couple of months. Evelyn Suda finished a masters in counseling from Liberty Univeristy and Jens Schulz fininished an MBA, also from Liberty. Steve's master of ministry degree is from Trinity Theological Seminary. Congratulations! We'll have to have a big barbecue for all three once Steve and Anne get back to Guam. ~ link

• I. Howard Marshall has a new concise version of his New Testament Theology ~ link


theultrarev said...

Hey Brad, did you post your reading lists for your classes like in years past? I like to see what your students are reading.

Brad Boydston said...

Spiritual Formation: The Jesus Creed (Scot McKnight) & The Life You've Always Wanted (John Ortberg).

Christian Doctrine 3 doesn't have a textbook because the students are in essence writing their own. They are researching local religious movements using what they've learned in the first two doctrine classes to make assessments of the groups and movements. They'll be presenting their papers to the class and making presentations. I've never given them this much responsibility so I'm not quite sure what is going to happen.