Monday, September 22


new pennyIf we're going to keep the penny in circulation (an idea which needs serious evaluation at this point) we need to keep updating it. And such is the case with a new series of backside designs honoring Honest Abe's 200th birthday next year. The coins will be issued in 2009. ~ link

Cut class in Gothenburg, Sweden and your parents will be getting an instant text about it ~ link

"Fools vent their anger, but the wise quietly hold it back." ~ Proverbs 29:11 (nlt)

David Chameides has been storing all of his trash for the last two years in his basement. It's an experiment in the "reduce, reuse, recycle" department. I think he's successful -- although I'm not sure how to define success. ~ link

David Chameides is also documenting his trash habits on a blog. ~ link

ASU is beefing up its online campus ~ link

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