Tuesday, September 23


An English researcher has identified some regional personality traits in the US. When visiting the article click on the highly interactive map. ~ link

Florida citrus industry in free fall -- splat predicted. ~ link

The number of people who think that Obama is a Muslim is increasing -- that is, among those who get their information off the Internet. The number of people who think that Obama is a Muslim is declining among those who get their information from the print media. I don't fit either category. ~ link

The VOA headline says "Corruption in poor countries threatens fight against poverty." ~ link

This isn't news -- just the stark reality. Even where there is enough food to go around and even when there are ample economic opportunities -- the biggest reason that people remain poor in 2008 is greed -- local corruption either by mafia-style organizations, dictators, or people of status who have been given a measure of entitlement in the culture. It's all the same thing. The problem is obvious. The strategic solution is less clear.

Dave Olson's promo video on the American church in crisis (via) --

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